Monday, February 28, 2011

The Stupidity of the American People

It has to be something in the air.  Or in the water.  There must be some logical explanation for the stupidity of the American people.  Let me see:

Statistics show that many Americans do not believe in evolution.  They believe that God created the universe in six days.  Satan placed fossils on Earth in order to confuse people and make them accept evolution.

Many believe that from the moment of conception, human life exists, and that therefore it is murder to abort that life.  And you know what we do to murderers, now don't you?

The metric system, like the Dewey Decimal System, is for the intellectual elite and foreigners only.

Global climate change is something that liberals, Jews and other unreliable, unAmerican types have conjured up just to get their own way.

Jews and Muslims are mostly communists, as is Obama, and they are behind the whole mess we've gotten into.

We want our country back.

Government is bad, except when it comes to our social security and medicare.

Obamacare is evil.  It is socialism.  It comes from Europe, and you know what Europe is like.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Abortion Discussion

From a discussion with some folks in Facebook:

Gosh. I never thought my undoing here would come so quickly. I've been exposed as a sleeper, I guess like in The Manchurian Candidate. I'm accused of being an alien...somebody from another planet. And I'm ready to come clean. I'm all of the above, and more.

I'm a socialist. An atheist. A women's-libber. A tree-hugger. A gay-rights supporter. I read books, and I embrace the metric system wholeheartedly. I support the struggle of non-white peoples around the world. I love Obama. To some people, all of this means that I am a really, really, really, really bad person.

Now that I've come clean about myself, maybe somebody here can talk about my message. You've done a terrific job showing what a bad guy I am.

Now how about dealing with the fact that people throughout the world have the chutzpah to believe that ultimately women have the right to decide what's going to go on with their own bodies? Does Big Government have the right to intrude in a woman's discussion with her doctor? Increasingly, people seem to reject the view that your religious views should be the deciding point for everybody else's.

If you look around you, perhaps you'll see the logical consequences of your belief system:
1. abortion is murder; it is the taking of a human life; it is baby-killing
2. an abortionist is ipso-facto a murderer, a baby-killer
3. therefore, executing the abortionist, the murderer, the baby-killer is simply an application of justice

And anyhow, Obama isn't really a Christian, much less an American, is he?